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In English

Laine Rebecca

Chasing the Dreams: Chapter 11

My Erasmus Exchange Journey to Spain: Biomimicry Week

After the wonderful Parisian weekend, a new project awaited me back at Biomimicry Granada. This time, I dove into creating a small exhibition, a visual narrative introducing biomimicry to a local design school. The display aimed to bridge the gap between biomimicry and seahorse preservation, intertwining with the introduction of the Change Makers platform. Few weeks leading up to the Biomimicry Week were spent designing and printing the photos and graphics for this showcase.


The air buzzed with anticipation as Biomimicry Week unfolded—a week that was full of energy and innovation. Two notable events, Biomimicry 101 and the Green Conference, marked the beginning, followed by a multidisciplinary EU project all within the realm of sustainability and nature-based design.


My role during this vibrant week centered around providing all the necessary graphic elements for the workshops. I meticulously captured moments through my lens, freezing in time the essence of the events. From keynote speeches to interactive workshops, people were not just attendees; they were participants, actively engaged and inspired.


The atmosphere was energetic, a testament to the collective passion for creating a more sustainable future. It was heartening to witness individuals from every corner of the globe coming together, driven by a common goal—to discuss, learn, and contribute to a world that embraces nature-inspired solutions.


As the Biomimicry Week unfolded, it became more than a series of events; it transformed into a celebration of collaboration, innovation, and the potential of united individuals for a shared purpose. The impact of the keynote speeches and workshops left everyone inspired for a more sustainable world.

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