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In English

Ecological Issues

Duration: 09/2020–08/2023


Funding: Nordplus Junior


  • Seduva Gymnasium, Liettua (coordinating institution)
  • Koulutuskuntayhtymä Brahe (as a partner)


All the partnership schools will commit to do their best to reach the aims that have been set. The students will do project work in their home countries under the guidance of their teachers and then in cooperation with the other schools via a website and during the visits. A lot preparations will be made before the visits. The management of each institution is in favour of the project and all the activities that it includes. During the visits each school will welcome visitors from other countries and meetings will be organized in the school premises. Concrete project activities  will be planned for the visits. During the project meetings and through virtual communication the project participants will get a wider understanding about the ecological situation in four countries and the ways the problems are being sold. It will encourage them to reconsider how  it is essential for every person to save nature trying to recycle and reuse what we throw daily. The project activities will be described in the school webpages, spread in the regional media to get more people interested  in the local communities and participate in the Green Movement.

Contact for more information:
Ari Hannus, ari.hannus@brahe.fi, te. +358 40 135 7109