Beyond the classroom walls learning in different environments
Duration: 8/2021-7/2023
Funding: NordPlus Junior
This is a collaborative project involving 4 vocational schools: 1 from Lithuania, 1 from Latvia and 2 from Finland. The main goal of the project is the exchange of experiences and best practices of teaching in different educational and virtual environments. Participating in this project teachers will have a practical opportunity at an international level to exchange and compare their experience concerning benefits about teaching in the digital area. The activities will be integrated into school subjects (natural and social sciences, technology, literature, health care).The teachers will do surveys, compare the results with the partner schools and write reports and the results will be presented in school posters, on webpages, in the media.
- Vocational Training centre of Panevezys, Latvia (coordinating institution)
- Brahe Education Centre, Finland (partner)
- Luovi Vocational College, Finland (partner)
- Daugavpils Trade Vocational Secondary School, Latvia (partner)
Contact for more information:
Ari Hannus ja Petra Mikkilä